Electronic Cigarettes News

How Germany is smoking other countries in e-cigarette regulation

They are slowly taking over the streets, parks and train platforms of Berlin and other cities, exhaling their sweet candle-like aerosol and watching it waft away. Vapers! People who have substituted cigarettes for so-called e-cigarettes, and smoke for vapor.

Exclusive: Pay per puff? Caffeine stick? E-cigarette boom sparks race for new patents

(Reuters) - Electronic cigarette makers are racing to design and buy variations of a technology that has lit a billion-dollar boom, created a new vocabulary, and prompted a backlash from health officials worried about the impact of the new smokeless devices. Research by Thomson Reuters shows that China - with over 300 million smokers - is the front runner in the manufacture and development of so-called e-cigarette technology, while new versions being patented include a "pay as you go" computer-assisted device and others that can deliver caffeine instead.

House Republican leadership urges FDA to loosen its grip on the e-cig market

The Family Smoking Prevention Tobacco Control Act, passed in 2009, gave regulatory authority over tobacco products to the FDA. One of the law’s edicts was that the agency had to figure out how to deal with novel (newer) products, especially including e-cigarettes. Earlier this year (April 25th), the FDA announced that henceforth, e-cigs were to be “deemed” a tobacco product — even though they contain no tobacco and emit no smoke.

E-Cigarettes May Serve as Gateway to Smoking for Teens, Study Suggests

When I was in middle school, I asked my mom if she would be mad if I tried smoking. I’ve never forgotten her answer: “Go ahead and try it,” she said. “You’ll hate it, and you’ll never want to do it again.” So about a year later, when the opportunity presented itself, I took a puff off an older kid’s cigarette in a public bathroom. I could barely inhale, and I’ve never had the desire to try one since.

2014 Anti-E-Cig Myth of the Year Award Goes to CDC, Dr. Stan Glantz, and Dr. Michael Fiore

he Rest of the Story is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2014 Anti-Smoking Myth of the Year Award. This year's award goes to: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Dr. Stan Glantz; and Dr. Michael Fiore for publicly spreading the myths that electronic cigarettes

Jane Brody’s column spreads poisonous nonsense about e-cigarettes

The well-respected NYTimes columnist Jane Brody has been around a long, long time, and we here at ACSH often use her column for its worthwhile information for our readers. Today’s piece, More Worries Rise From the Ashes, is in stark contrast to those, unfortunately. And this topic presented her with a great opportunity to do her readers a major service — instead, she offers irresponsible and harmful information about America’s number one problem: smoking.

ACSH: NY Times editorial and op-ed sows confusion between e-cigs and real ones

In their ongoing campaign to stifle the truthful communication of risks (hypothetical) and benefits (not yet documented but theoretically huge) regarding the innovative low-risk nicotine devices, e-cigarettes and vapor products, the NYTimes has reached new “heights” today. Working hand-in-glove with the “public health” officials, NGOs and politicians whose craving for cigarette tax money and/or big pharma largesse outweigh their ethics, the Times’ editorialists published an essay misleadingly titled The Perils of Smokeless Tobacco. Upon reading it, however,.....

Vehicle for aggregate harm or the lesser of two evils? Experts continue to flip flop on the issue

Electronic cigarettes are a new and divisive force in the struggle against tobacco-related morbidity and mortality. Two commentaries published in Annals of Internal Medicine offer opposing views on their use.

Australia urged to consider permitting nicotine e-liquids

Next year could mark a breakthrough for the Australian e-cigarette market, with the regulator due to review a proposal that e-cigarettes could be allowed subject to a maximum nicotine concentration.

As the latest ECigIntelligence regulatory report makes clear, at present all nicotine-containing products for therapeutic use must be approved as “registered” medicines in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods before they can be marketed. To date, no such approval has been granted.

US Surgeon General's misplaced call to arms against e-cigarettes

The U.S. Surgeon General has just released a new report on e-cigarettes which could be influential in further shaping U.S. vaping policy

The report itself is framed almost entirely by the concern about e-cigarette use by young people and, as a result, has virtually nothing to say about the impact of e-cigarettes on adults over the age of 18.

British smokers are switching to e-cigarettes faster than anyone else in Europe

Since 2013, one person has switched from traditional smoking to so-called vaping every four minutes in the UK, according to new research from EY.

And now more than 2m British people vape, a total of 4.2 per cent of adults.

By contrast, the next highest penetration is in France, where just over 3 per cent use electronic products.

Read More: British American Tobacco shares fall three per cent on Reynolds deal news

Smoking hot! Girls light up vape industry expo as they toke on latest electronic cigarettes in Russia

Hundreds of Russian e-cigarette smokers descended on Saint Petersburg this weekend to take party in the city's first ever event dedicated to vaping.

Women with tattoos and brightly-coloured hair were among those showing off their vaping skills at the Vapexpo Spb exhibition at the Lenexpo conference centre.

The event, which is dedicated to the vaping industry, offered electronic cigarette fans the chance to try out different brands of devices and e-liquids, as well as to improve their vaping skills.

Electronic Cigarettes International Group, Ltd. Files for Bankruptcy

Item 1.03. Bankruptcy or Receivership.

Gottlieb Tells Congress FDA Will Base E-Cig Regulations on Science

Democrats like to portray their party as the “party of science.” Yet, when it comes to harm-reducing tobacco alternatives that offer millions of smokers a chance to quit their deadly habit—Dems may as well be a pitchfork-wielding village mob. Luckily, for public health, the newly appointed Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb is not as fearful of innovation.

San Francisco to ban sales of vaping flavored liquid

San Francisco city supervisors unanimously approved a measure that bans the sale of flavored nicotine-laced liquid used in electronic cigarettes and flavored tobacco products, saying nicotine masked in cotton candy, banana cream, mint and other flavors entices kids into a lifetime of addiction.

Other cities have passed laws reducing access to flavored vaping liquids and flavored tobacco but San Francisco is the first in the country to approve a sales ban.

Sales of vaping liquids that taste like tobacco will still be allowed.

Sessions To Lead Trump Admin’s Expected Marijuana Crackdown

The Trump Administration is expected to announce a federal crackdown on marijuana next week, according to multiple sources.

Donald Trump’s Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety, led by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is expected to recommend the crackdown, which is supposedly taking place “in an effort to reduce the number of violent crimes.”

E-cigarette bans may be violating international trade rules

India is amongst the countries looking to ban electronic cigarettes, despite the mounting evidence that these products are effective harm reduction and smoking cessation tools. In a policy study conducted by R Street Associate Fellow Maria Foltea, the legality of such bans was looked into and found to be violating World Trade Organization rules.

Vape Retailers Are Losing ‘A Significant Amount Of Business’ Under Tobacco Crackdown

Vaping shops are struggling to stay afloat under mounting financial losses stemming from a hike in the legal tobacco purchasing age from 18 to 21 in Chicago.

Singapore MPs question their government’s stance on vaping

The government of Singapore has been striving significantly to achieve a smokefree future, by implementing regulations such as banning smoking in public spaces and raising taxes. However, local MP’s rightfully feel that the local e-cigarette ban is counterproductive to this campaign.

Importing and selling vaping products has been banned in the island city-state since 2014, and possession of the products has been made illegal since December 2015. In line with Singapore’s Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act,

Dr. Manny Alvarez: Pot needs to be legal now. Congress needs to make it happen

Someone needs to tell Congress that when it comes to marijuana, the genie is out of the bottle.

FDA Chief Scott Gottlieb Strikes Right Tone on E-Cigarettes

There's no doubt about it. E-cigarettes have the potential to save millions of lives.

What makes smoking so dangerous isn't the nicotine, per se. Nicotine is an addictive alkaloid, just like caffeine. (Believe it or not, plants produce both compounds because they are insecticides.) The addiction makes people want more tobacco, but the molecule itself isn't all that harmful.

The wheels of Big Tobacco turn slowly

The federal government has introduced the most sweeping changes to the Tobacco Act in a generation. Among the changes announced last week, the new regulations will apply many existing tobacco regulations to vaping products, restrict “lifestyle” advertising for vaping products, the use of testimonials or any reference to e-cigarettes as healthier than standard tobacco products, and give Health Canada the power to implement plain and standardized tobacco packaging.

Early study results point to heating element in vaping and e-cig devices as cause for serious lung injuries

Newswise — Irvine and Pasadena, CA – Sept. 28, 2020 – Early results of an experimental vaping study have shown significant lung injury from E-cigarette (eC) devices with nickel-chromium alloy heating elements.

Beantwoording Kamervragen over de berichten dat kinderen steeds vaker in aanraking komen met e-sigaretten

Antwoorden van staatssecretaris Van Rijn (VWS) op vragen van het Kamerlid Rebel (PvdA) over de berichten dat kinderen steeds vaker in aanraking komen met e-sigaretten.

Tobacco cravings significantly reduced by e-cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes offer smokers a realistic way to kick their tobacco smoking addiction. In a new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, scientists at KU Leuven report that e-cigarettes successfully reduced cravings for tobacco cigarettes, with only minimal side effects. [cigarette and e-cigarette] By the end of the 8-month study, 21% of study participants had stopped smoking tobacco altogether and an additional 23% cut the number of tobacco cigarettes they smoked per day by half. Credit: Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

California Journal E-cigarettes appear here to stay: So put that in your mod and vape it

In the laboratory of the California Vaping Co., Dakoda Collins mixed up one of his signature potions. Wearing a surgical mask and gloves, he carefully measured out colorless, liquid nicotine from a plastic jug. He drew the nicotine into a fat syringe, then shot it into a large glass beaker of amber fluid, where it would be swirled with an industrial-strength immersion blender and gently heated.

Onderzoek: e-sigaret is opstapje naar gewoon roken voor jeugd

NIEUWVEEN - De elektronische sigaret, vaak gebruikt om het stoppen met roken te vergemakkelijken, blijkt door jongeren gebruikt te worden die anders waarschijnlijk nooit waren gaan roken. Dat is de uitkomst van een Amerikaans onderzoek onder tweeduizend tieners van 14 en 15 jaar.

Double tobacco tax, Council on Smoking and Health urges Hong Kong government

An anti-smoking body is calling on the government to double tobacco tax in a bid to get more Hongkongers to kick the habit. The current tax rate on a pack of cigarettes is 69 per cent. Doubling that would see the price rise from .....

UN-backed treaty set to mark 10 years of dramatic change in tobacco use worldwide

26 February 2015 – A World Health Organization-led treaty that aims to achieve a tobacco-free world has dramatically curbed tobacco use worldwide since its entry into force 10 years ago tomorrow, but “the war on tobacco is far from over” with the tobacco industry still spending billions to promote products that are expected to kill some 8 million people each year by 2030, the United Nations health agency said.

Carl Phillips: New York Times makes clear that they object to Joe Nocera’s honesty

Today, the New York Times Editorial Board, in an apparent backlash against their excellent columnist (one of the two), Joe Nocera, exercising his autonomy to write something honest about e-cigarettes, published both an anti-ecig screed by two leading liars and a general anti-THR screed of their own (mostly about e-cigarettes, though the headline was about smokeless tobacco). Needless to say, both are thick with lies. Honestly, they are pretty boring, but for the record, I thought I should call out a few points.....

‘Vraagtekens bij E-sigaret onderzoeken’

Dat stelt de onderzoeker en cardioloog Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, onder meer verbonden aan de universiteit van Leuven. Hij toont met zijn onderzoek aan dat bij gebruik van hogere voltage batterijen slechts een minimale hoeveelheid aldehyde uit de verdamper van de e-sigaret vrijkomt. Het gemeten niveau ligt ver beneden de kankerverwekkende emissies die vrijkomen tijdens het roken van traditionele sigaretten.

E-cigarette retailers, smokers weigh-in on new FDA regulations

Smokers turn to e-cigarettes as an alternative way to still get a buzz, but that may be under fire after FDA regulations went into effect this summer.

Since the FDA started regulating e-cigarettes, retailers and consumers alike have been affected negatively.

The prices of items have gone-up, the selection of juices has dropped, and people new to vaping are left in the dark.

Global E-cigarette Market 2016-2020: Research Report with detailed analysis on Key Vendors, Segmentation, Drivers, Challenges, Trends, Shares & Forecast to 2020

E-cigarette Market report 2016 focuses on the focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with Production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer from past years to 2020. E-cigarette research report also provides granular analysis of the market share, segmentation, revenue forecasts and geographic regions of the market.

E-cigarette Market to Grow at a CAGR of 24.33% by the period 2016-2020.

Browse Detailed TOC, Tables, Figures, Charts and Companies Mentioned in Global E-cigarette market research report @ http://www.360marketupdates.com/10290092

Gov. Kasich suggests increasing tax for vape products to 69 percent

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) – Governor John Kasich’s proposed budget has people across the state talking, especially about possible changes to how Ohioans are taxed.

Kasich’s plan would drastically increase the tax on e-cigarettes — a move that could put some companies out of business.

The House of Vape sits in a plaza off Market Street in Beaver Township.

The products sold inside, pipes and liquids, are already taxed at 17 percent. Under Kasich’s proposed state budget, the tax would increase to 69 percent.

Vaping laws update: Feds guilty of overreach but provinces need to butt out too

Thanks to a report from the Canadian Constitution Foundation analyzing vaping legislation in Canada, we know that the federal government receives a failing grade particularly for treating vaping the same as tobacco smoking, but how do the provinces stack up?

Last week, I reported on the CCF's recommendations for problematic legislation that treats vaping like tobacco smoking by not allowing minors to access products, not allowing product testing, in-store consultation, and restricting advertising that outlines the health benefits of vaping vs. smoking cigarettes.

E-cigarettes exploding in popularity: New data

The number of American adults who smoke cigarettes has fallen sharply, from 42.4 percent in 1965 to 15.1 percent in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Naturally, cigarette sales also declined over the same period.
But new research in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine shows that the fall in sales of traditional cigarettes slowed in 2015, while sales of e-cigarettes — which also pose health hazards — are skyrocketing.

Fumer coûte bien plus que ce que rapporte une taxe, alors pourquoi le gouvernement décourage-t-il le meilleur moyen d'arrêter?

Effective la semaine prochaine, la nouvelle réglementation sur les cigarettes électroniques fait tout pour dissuader leur utilisation. Pourtant, de nombreux scientifiques et professionnels de la santé ont un avis contraire: la cigarette électronique est le meilleur moyen pour arrêter de fumer.

Japan Tobacco plans to quadruple smokeless tobacco output capacity by 2018: CEO

Japan Tobacco Inc (2914.T) plans to spend $500 million to quadruple its smokeless tobacco production capacity by the end of 2018, as it races against bigger rival Philip Morris (PM.N) for a larger share of the Japanese vaping products market.

San Francisco moves to ban sales of vaping flavors, menthol cigarettes

By Susan Scutti, CNN

San Francisco city supervisors approved this week an ordinance to ban the sales of flavored vaping liquid. The measure would also prohibit sales of menthol cigarettes and other flavored tobacco products.

The city board will vote on the ban next week. If passed, the legislation will become effective in April 2018 throughout the city -- the first in the nation to approve such a sweeping ban on flavored tobacco sales.

Health groups ask to intervene in lawsuits over cigar, e-cigarette rules

A coalition of six public health groups asked federal courts on Monday if it could intervene in two lawsuits challenging the first-ever rules for cigars and electronic cigarettes that were finalized under former President Barack Obama.

Chinese customs seize 600 tons of e-cigarette oil

GUANGZHOU, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) -- Customs in southern China recently seized 600 tonnes of smuggled electronic cigarette oil, with a total value of 300 million yuan (about 44 million U.S. dollars).

Over 320 police raided four groups who were suspected of smuggling the oil from the United States, according to Zhou Bin, head of Gongbei Customs Office, which administers Zhuhai and Zhongshan cities in Guangdong Province.

The four companies were based in Shenzhen and Xiamen and supplied the majority of the e-cigarette oil in the Chinese market, according to Zhou.

Top doctor calls for total ban on cigarettes, switch to e-cigarettes

A leading Australian health researcher has called for a total ban on cigarettes as a new study finds millions of deaths could be prevented if smokers switched to electronic cigarettes. 

Menzies School of Health researcher Dr Marita Hefler says the rapid evolution of alternative nicotine products, such as e-cigarettes, meant outlawing combustible tobacco, including cigarettes, was now possible.

Will KT&G’s e-cigarette brand hold its own against market leaders?

[THE INVESTOR] KT&G has officially released its first heat-not-burn tobacco product, also called e-cigarette, Lil, after months of planning. The question now is whether Korea’s dominant tobacco maker can lure smokers away from rivals like Philip Morris International and British American Tobacco whose products have gained market share.

Assuming that product quality is similar, prices will be a big factor determining KT&G’s success.

All e-cigarette makers are agonizing over whether to raise the price of

New Bill in Congress Would Ban Federal Cannabis Enforcement in Legal States

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has had cannabis in his crosshairs since even before he took office, but his first formal shot at legalization—the decision last week to rescind the Cole memo—looks more and more like it could backfire.

The FDA is going after menthol cigarettes—and maybe even fruity e-cig flavors


The days of menthol cigarettes and strawberry-flavored e-cigs may be numbered.

The Food and Drug Administration is taking the first step toward implementing a rule about the role that flavors, including menthol, play in attracting users to certain tobacco products. On one hand, fun e-cig flavors like creme brulee might be enticing teenagers and young adults, but the FDA is trying to balance that with the flavors helping some adults to quit smoking traditional cigarettes.

British American Tobacco : BAT invests in Chinese fund BAT invests in Chinese venture capital fund in quest for new innovative products

British American Tobacco PLC's quest to develop innovative tobacco products has led the manufacturing giant to make its first investment in a venture capital fund.

The company, which owns Reynolds American Inc., confirmed Tuesday that it is participating in the Chinese investment fund known as China Materialia.

BAT did not disclose the amount. The Daily Telegraph of London reported Monday that the BAT investment could be as much as $6.7 million.

The number of high schoolers using e-cigarettes has tripled since 2011

Another year, another uptick in the number of youth puffing on vaporized tobacco. A new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that e-cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular among high school students, a trend the agency warns could undermine some of the progress made in reducing tobacco use among adolescents. "We've seen continued declines in tobacco use, but e-cigarette use is rising and that's troubling," said Brian King, senior adviser with the office on smoking and health at the CDC. "Any use is hazardous to the health of youths."

Should a sin tax apply to e-cigarettes?

A public health agency dependent on cigarette taxes for its funding may ask state lawmakers to tax electronic cigarettes to help make up for a decline in consumption of traditional tobacco, says an official for its San Diego branch.

NY Times' Matt Richtel greatly exaggerates snus' negligible risks and downplays benefits for smokers who switch

After misleading and scaring readers about e-cigs, NY Times' Matt Richtel greatly exaggerates snus' negligible risks and downplays benefits for smokers who switch

Two studies find big jump in teen use of e-cigarettes

Two new studies have found that far more kids are using electronic cigarettes than previously reported, raising fears that the products could hook another generation on nicotine even as cigarette use is falling. About 25% of high school students in Connecticut and 29% of teens in Hawaii have used e-cigarettes, according to separate studies. About 18% of the Hawaii teens and 12% of the Connecticut high school students had used e-cigarettes in the past month. Both studies were done in 2013.

Five years later, NC businesses say smoking ban not a problem

RALEIGH, N.C. — It’s been five years since North Carolina banned smoking in restaurants and bars, according to the Winston-Salem Journal. Touted as a game changer for a tobacco-producing state, the ban has been embraced to the point it has become a non-issue for most restaurant operators, employees and the public.

Data from largest U.S. tobacco study shows high use of multiple products

(Reuters) - Preliminary results from the largest U.S. survey of tobacco consumption show a high number of people use multiple products, adding key data to the debate on the role of e-cigarettes in reducing harm from tobacco.

The results of the study, released Thursday, showed 40 percent of tobacco consumers use multiple products, such as cigarillos, hookah and cigars. Half of all combinations involved e-cigarettes.

David Nutt: Unholy smoke? Why does USA fear vaping?

As a research psychiatrist who has spent most of my professional life looking for ways to mitigate the harms of addictive drugs, the concept of replacing a very harmful drug such as heroin with a safer one such as buprenorphine (Suboxone/Subutex) makes perfect sense. However when the same logic is applied in the market place, rather than in the consulting room, a different logic seems to apply. Smoked tobacco is the leading cause of premature death in the world today killing around 6 million people per year.

Reynolds American wins US approval to buy Lorillard

Reynolds American on Tuesday won U.S. antitrust approval to buy smaller rival Lorillard in a deal that would combine the No. 2 and No. 3 U.S. cigarette companies.

The Federal Trade Commission said it would allow the acquisition to go forward on condition that the companies sell four cigarette brands - Winston, Kool, Salem and Maverick. They will be purchased by Imperial Tobacco Group.

Analysts showing optimistic trends for: British American Tobacco

In case of Revenue Estimates, 2 analysts have provided their consensus Average Revenue Estimates for British American Tobacco p.l.c. as 18.2 Billion. According to these analysts, the Low Revenue Estimate for British American Tobacco p.l.c. is 18.17 Billion and the High Revenue Estimate is 18.23 Billion. The company had Year Ago Sales of 20.02 Billion.

FDA Approval For iQOS To Be A Game Changer For Altria

Philip Morris International (NYSE:PM) submitted a Modified Risk Tobacco Product (MRTP) application for its electronically heated tobacco product, iQOS, with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on December 5th. This was consistent with the company’s goal of submitting the application in 2016, and the company anticipates the FDA taking a minimum of 60 days to complete an administrative review of its application. Once iQOS gets a go ahead, Altria (NYSE:MO) will get exclusive rights to sell these products in the US.

Europe E-cigarette and Vaporizer Device & After market - Vape Shop Analysis & Forecast, 2016-2022 - Research and Markets

DUBLIN--(Business Wire)--Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Europe E-cigarette and Vaporizer Device & After market - Vape Shop Analysis and Forecast, 2016-2022" report to their offering.

Riverview man shaken up after battery explodes in pocket

A man from Riverview, N.B., is speaking out after his spare e-cigarette battery exploded in his pocket, leaving him shaken and scared.

Wayne Walker says the incident left him with scars, which have since faded. But he say the memory remains fresh.

Just before Christmas he threw a spare battery in his pocket, along with his car keys and went to work.

All was normal until he saw the sparks.

Philip Morris to convert Greek cigarette factory into plant for smoke-free products

Philip Morris International Inc. PM, -0.35% said Wednesday it has invested about 300 million euro, or the U.S. dollar equivalent of about $323.7 million, to convert a cigarette factory in Greece to a plant to make tobacco sticks for its smoke-free product IQOS. Philip Morris expects the investment to create 400 new jobs in Papastratos, in addition to the 800 people the factory had already employed. Production is expected to begin in January 2018, and the company expects the plant to have an annual capacity of 20 billion tobacco sticks.


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