Electronic Cigarettes News

Ron Tully accused of stealing more than $800,000 from Richmond-based tobacco trade association

Federal authorities are accusing the co-founder of a tobacco trade association of stealing more than $833,000 from it over a five-year period.

Ronald Tully, 57, of Gilbert, Ariz., was charged with mail fraud in U.S. District Court in Richmond on Monday.

Tully’s lawyer, Thomas T. Cullen, of Roanoke, said Tuesday that neither he nor his client could comment at this time.

The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Vaping By Vapebuzz

The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Vaping

Have you decided to quit cigarettes?

Are you interested in what all the fuss is about?

No Adverse Health Impacts from Long Term Vaping – Study

Wednesday 17 January 2018

24-month clinical trial shows no negative health impact on smokers who used vaping products, and no increase in body weight

Fewer smokers in Hong Kong but among those who light up, more are turning to e-cigarettes, survey reveals

Latest government figures show smokers above the age of 15 using e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco products rose almost six-fold in two years

Even as the population of regular smokers in Hong Kong has declined over the years to about 10 per cent, the use of electronic smoking devices among them is on an alarming upwards trend, according to latest government figures.

Those above the age of 15 using e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco products rose almost sixfold in two years, from

Worldwide E-cigarette Market Overview Along with Competitive Landscape, Company Profiles, with Product Details and Competitors 2025

E-cigarette Market report analyses the entire production and supply chain of the Market and provides information as per different phases. Whereas, on the basis of sales, data related to sales volume, sales price, cost, sales income, and profit margin etc. of E-cigarette Market used in different fields, sold in different regions and by different companies is provided in this report.

The number of high schoolers using e-cigarettes has tripled since 2011

Another year, another uptick in the number of youth puffing on vaporized tobacco. A new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that e-cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular among high school students, a trend the agency warns could undermine some of the progress made in reducing tobacco use among adolescents. "We've seen continued declines in tobacco use, but e-cigarette use is rising and that's troubling," said Brian King, senior adviser with the office on smoking and health at the CDC. "Any use is hazardous to the health of youths."

High levels of toxin found in some e-cigarettes

High levels of cancer-causing toxins have been found in some brands of E-cigarettes. Health experts in Japan discovered high levels of chemicals including formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in the vapour produced by several types of e-cigarette liquid. The latest findings will come as a blow to those in favour of the electronic devices, heralded as safer than regular cigarettes.

Brad Rodu: How dangerous is snus? Don't ask the New York Times

Despite a wealth of available information, the Times unfortunately failed to nail the answers, even after acknowledging that “Many studies have been done on the question (sic),..." but fretting that "...but as in many fields that involve complex questions and human subjects, the research is imperfect.”

First 'e-cigarette child death': New York baby dies after drinking liquid nicotine

A one-year-old baby has died in New York state after drinking from what is thought to have been an e-cigarette refill bottle, prompting calls to change how the liquid nicotine products are presented. The death was described by local police as a “tragic accident”, and is thought to be the first to involve a child and e-cigarettes. An ambulance was called to a home in Fort Plain, New York, to reports of an “unresponsive” child last Tuesday, ABC News reported. He was rushed to hospital, but pronounced dead a short while later.

Poorly-done e-cig vapor study gets big headlines but means nothing

A new research letter in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals how shoddy this once-respected medical journal has let its peer-review standards become. The authors, from Portland State University in Oregon, titled their work “Hidden formaldehyde in e-cigarette aerosols” in an apparent (and successful) attempt to get more media and advocacy attention than their inaccurate study would have normally garnered.

Dutch to introduce 18+ age limit for electronic cigarettes

Junior health minister Martin van Rijn is slapping a minimum age of 18 on electronic cigarettes in an effort to stop youngsters smoking, he told parliament on Monday. The new rules will apply to e-cigarettes with and without nicotine and will bring the smoking aid age limit in line with tobacco and alcohol.

31 former public health groups funded by Big Pharma urge quick approval of proposed regulations

31 former public health groups funded by Big Pharma and/or DHHS urge Obama to “quickly” approve FDA’s proposed cigarette industry protecting e-cig sales ban, falsely claim “Further delay will only serve the interests of the tobacco companies,” falsely accuse tobacco companies of marketing to youth (in violation of the 1998 MSA), deceitfully conflate negligible e-cig risks with addictive and lethal cigarettes, falsely claim “There are no restrictions in place to protect public health against the risks these products pose, particularly to the health of our children,” fail to express ANY conce

Victorian doctor calls for end to contradictory laws over 'life-saving' e-cigarettes

A Victorian doctor has sparked controversy, calling for electronic cigarettes to be recognised as an effective tool to quit smoking.

Ballarat GP Attila Danko said he was hooked on traditional cigarettes for 30 years, until he took up e-cigarettes.

"I tried all the usual things, all the patches, all the gums, but I was always tempted back to smoking until I found e-cigarettes," he said.

JTI extends e-cigarette range with Logic LQD launch

JTI has expanded its range of electronic cigarettes with the introduction of Logic LQD – a new open tank device and range of e-liquids.

The company said the new device includes an “advanced refilling system that guarantees easy and precise e-liquid delivery”, alongside dual coil and variable voltage control offering “an enhanced and customisable vaping experience for users”.

Marijuana Sales Totaled $6.7 Billion In 2016

North American marijuana sales grew by an unprecedented 30% in 2016 to $6.7 billion as the legal market expands in the U.S. and Canada, according to a new report by Arcview Market Research.

North American sales are projected to top $20.2 billion by 2021 assuming a compound annual growth rate of 25%. The report includes Canada for the first time as it moves towards implementing legal adult use marijuana.

Study finds high levels of toxic metals in e-cigarette liquids

A study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found high levels of toxic metals in the liquid that creates the aerosol that e-cigarette users inhale when they vape.

Survey sheds light on shocking truth about student smokers

PETALING JAYA: A 10-year-old in uniform takes a drag on his cigarette and the nicotine hits. For every five boys, there is one just like him, reveals the country’s first-of-its-kind study by the Health Ministry.

The habit is easy to feed, especially when cigarettes are blatantly being sold to students with little or no enforcement against the irres­ponsible sellers.

More than half of the students who participated in the recent survey got their smokes easily from supermarkets, grocery stores and roadside stalls.

Health leaders call for immediate action to curb smoking in the U.S.

Every year cigarette smoking contributes to about 1 in 5 deaths in the United States. A group of prominent health leaders called for the immediate implementation of national action to reduce the number of smokers in the country by 15 million in a report published last week.

Is vaping harmful, does it damage your lungs, are e-cigarettes safer than normal tobacco and what are the new laws?

MANY smokers are ditching traditional cigarettes in favour of trendy e-cigarettes.

The vaping devices are designed to help smokers quit their habit, and are marketed as a healthier alternative.

But, e-cigarettes are still very much in their infancy, and much more research is needed to explore the true effect they have on a vaper’s health.

While some studies have shown they are – in many ways – better for smokers than cigarettes, other studies have raised concerns they are encouraging a new generation of smokers.

E-cigarettes 97% safer than smoking according to new study

A new study has shown that E-cigarettes are up to 97% safer than conventional smoking.

In a study funded by Cancer Research UK and performed by the department of epidemiology and public health at UCL, it was found that long term vapers have significantly lower toxic and carcinogenic substances in their body when compared to smokers.

A total of 181 participants were monitored over time, testing urine and saliva for harmful chemicals.

Man dead after vaping fentanyl

A man smokes an electronic cigarette vaporizer, also known as an e-cigarette, in Toronto, August 7, 2015. REUTERS/Mark Blinch

MAPLE RIDGE TOWNSHIP (WKZO-AM/FM) -- Authorities say an Alpena man died over the weekend after vaping liquid fentanyl.

He and his wife reportedly ordered the drug online.

Michigan State Police say the 39-year-old passed out after taking several drags at a home in Maple Ridge Township.

Fentanyl can be up to 100 times as powerful as morphine.

Protecting American Families: Comprehensive Approach to Nicotine and Tobacco

Remarks by Scott Gottlieb, M.D.
Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration
July 28, 2017
White Oak, MD

(Remarks as prepared for delivery)

Tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States. But much has changed in the landscape of tobacco product regulation and FDA’s ability to address this public health crisis.

E-cigarette use by teenagers doesn’t lead to smoking, experts state

There is no evidence that experimentation with e-cigarettes leads to teenagers taking up smoking tobacco, experts have said.

Rising popularity of the devices has led to heated debate in health circles, with some claiming that vaping is a one-way street to taking up smoking.

But new analysis has concluded that most e-cigarette experimentation among young people does not lead to regular use.

How A 12-Year-Old Girl Could Help End Pot Prohibition

Is it true that a 12-year-old girl could help end pot prohibition? According to the latest reports, the answer is yes. The girl in question is Alexis Bortell, and up until recently, she had been suffering daily seizures. But now, because of her life-saving medication, she finds herself trapped in Colorado.

Meet Alexis Bortell

How A 12-Year-Old Girl Could Help End Pot Prohibition

Health Experts Are Encouraging Smokers To Switch To E-Cigarettes

Health professionals are advising people in Australia to give up tobacco cigarettes and switch to e-cigarettes instead. They say it would potentially save more lives in the country.

Health Experts' Advice

Health experts have gathered in Melbourne, Australia to discuss how e-cigarettes can help tobacco smokers give up their habits.

European Commission opts not to tax vapor products at this time

The European Commission has decided not to tax electronic cigarettes or novel tobacco products such as “heat not burn” products. In a report to the European Union’s Council of Finance Ministers (ECOFIN) dated 12 January 2018 the Commission concluded that due to a lack of sufficient data on the market for these products it would not propose a harmonized approach to taxation at the present time.

FDA may consider over-the-counter regulation for e-cigarettes

E-cigarettes could one day be regulated as an over-the-counter drug.

E-Cigarettes Are Less Dangerous Than Cigarettes but Not Entirely Safe

Studying the safety of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) on teenagers is extremely important. Rubinstein et al1 describes the presence of certain metabolites in the urine of adolescents who smoke e-cigarettes. They also tell us many of them are carcinogenic. They conclude by advising the public to warn teenagers about “the potential risk from toxic exposure to carcinogenic compounds.” However, they fail to …

Survey of teen “tobacco” use yields good news, obscured by alarmist headlines about e-cigs

The CDC’s latest survey of tobacco use among young people in America was released yesterday. For those of us interested in the betterment of our nation’s public health, the strikingly good news was evident. Given that cigarette smoking is our nation’s #1 public health emergency (not Ebola) and that 90 percent of smokers begin as teens, the news may be the best possible trend imaginable: teen smoking rates continued their dramatic declines of the past three years! The recent youth smoking rates are these: 2000: ~25 percent 2011: 18.1 percent 2012: 14 percent 2013: 12.7 percent

Strengere regels rond e-sigaret

Fabrikanten die reclame maken voor e-sigaretten, mogen vanaf februari niet meer beweren dat het product helpt met stoppen met roken. Ze moeten ook duidelijk waarschuwen voor de verslavende werking van nicotine. Staatssecretaris Martin van Rijn (Volksgezondheid) heeft de regels vrijdag aangescherpt. Aanleiding is onderzoek van de Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA) en het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) waaruit bleek dat er extra maatregelen nodig waren.

E-cigarette that was plugged into the wall with the wrong charger EXPLODES

A family's Christmas presents have been destroyed and their house devastated after an e-cigarette which was plugged into the wrong charger exploded and set fire to their home. Terry Skinner, 25, placed his device on to charge in an upstairs bedroom in his home in Sheerness, Kent, before heading downstairs to join fiancee Tara Austin, 22, in the living room. Barely ten minutes later the internal battery had exploded and a fire began to tear through the room at their home - just yards away from where his children were sleeping.

Survey finds teens trending toward e-cigarettes

WASHINGTON (AP) — More teens are trying out e-cigarettes than the real thing, according to the government's annual drug use survey. Researchers were surprised at how many 8th, 10th and 12th graders reported using electronic cigarettes this year, even as regular smoking by teens dropped to new lows. Nearly 9 percent of 8th graders said they had used an e-cigarette in the previous month, while just 4 percent reported smoking a traditional cigarette, said the report being released Tuesday by the National Institutes of Health.

Wederom foutief media bericht om de elektronische sigaret in kwaad daglicht te stellen

Vandaag publiceerde de Telegraaf, Metronieuws en de Belgische site De Standaard online hetzelfde negatieve persbericht omtrent de elektronische sigaret: http://www.metronieuws.nl/binnenland/2015/01/e-sigaret-15-keer-kankerverwekkender-dan-sigaret Inmiddels is dit bericht door De Standaard al gerectificeerd: http://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20150122_01487638 En door Acvoda op gereageerd: http://www.acvoda.nl/2015/01/22/goed-nieuws-geen-formaldehyde-in-e-sigaret/

Health Experts Defend E-Cigarettes Amidst Concerns

Health experts at an Abu Dhabi anti-tobacco conference defended e-cigarettes, in spite of the increasing concerns that the devices are not safe and could lure adolescents into nicotine addiction. However, while experts have come to the defense of e-cigarettes, they agreed that the use of the devices still need more research and should be regulated much like tobacco.

Big Pharma financed AAP misrepresents teen survey findings to news media

Teens no longer smoke just cigarettes. They have branched out to using alternative tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes, hookahs and little cigars. In fact, e-cigarette use is rising rapidly among both cigarette smokers and nonsmokers, according to a study to be presented Sunday, April 26 at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting in San Diego.

Lung Association Calls Leo out for vaping as "Deeply Troubling"

Leo DiCaprio may have won a SAG award, but he's lost respect from the American Lung Association for his e-cigarette display at the ceremony.

The actor was sitting at a table Saturday during the awards presentation, smoking a vape pen.

It's illegal to smoke vape pens in the city of L.A. in restaurants, bars and other public places, but interesting, the prohibition does not apply to "theatrical production sites." Presumably, the Shrine Auditorium, where the SAG awards were held, qualifies as a theatrical production site.

Republicans Should Snuff Out Deadly Tobacco Rules

Last month, Republican U.S. House leaders sent a pointed letter to federal agency heads warning them against finalizing “midnight regulations” — last-minute rules approved during a lame-duck session, without full oversight and hearings. Hastily approved regulations, they wrote, could have “unintended consequences” that “will harm consumers and businesses.”

Big Study Linking Youth Vaping to Smoking Actually Contains Evidence To The Contrary

Electronic cigarettes are not hooking a new generation of American youth on tobacco and data suggests the devices are helping current youth smokers quit the habit.

A new study from the Virginia Commonwealth University claims that using e-cigarettes at a younger age people three times more likely to become a smoker. The researchers gloss over evidence from their own study, however, to make the claim, which they use as justification for more government restrictions on the practice.

‘Dripping’ is dangerous trend for teens who vape, study says

SAN DIEGO -- One in four teens who vape say they've used e-cigarettes for an alternative technique known as "dripping," new research finds. Dripping produces thicker clouds of vapor, gives a stronger sensation in the throat and makes flavors taste better, according to a study, published Monday in the journal Pediatrics. "This study is the first systematic evaluation of the use of dripping among teens," said Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, lead author and a professor in the department of psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine.

Vaping firm VIP in administration with 265 jobs at risk

FRP Advisory has been appointed as administrator to Must Have Limited, which trades as VIP and has 165 retail stores across the UK.

VIP, which is based in Radcliffe, Greater Manchester, will continue trading and all 265 staff will be retained while FRP seeks a buyer for the business.

Its US owner, Electronic Cigarettes International Group (ECIG), said Must Have Limited was placed in administration after it was left unable to pay taxes of around three million US dollars (£2.5 million) to HM Revenue and Customs.

Evidence that e-cigarettes encourage people ot take up smoking is "weak" scientists claim

Many people assume vaping encourages people to smoke cigarettes.

But now scientists claim this is just a myth - and that evidence to even suggest such a link is 'weak'.

Despite having long been considered a gateway, a team of US researchers wanted to analyse the findings of previous studies.

They highlighted several shortfalls that appear to show a link between e-cigarettes and traditional tobacco products.

For example, they said many use misleading measurements for what they consider to be 'smoking', including just one puff over a course of six months.

E-cigarette critics get research dollars from industry competitors

Some interesting news recently landed in Jeff Stier’s inbox.

“Today’s a good day to quit smoking!” proclaimed an email from NYC Quits, part of a statewide tobacco control program that gives away free nicotine patches and gum every year.

Stier, a risk analyst with the National Center for Public Policy Analysis, signed up for the program, not because he’s a smoker (other than the occasional cigar) but for research.

Air Sampling confirms secondhand vapor is harmless

The California Department of Public Health has been carrying out air sampling in vape shops throughout the state, as part of its initiative to determine the health effects of second-hand vapor exposure.

Why Teens Are Smoking Less, In Their Own Words

When Maya Terrell saw the anti-smoking television commercial, she knew she would never try a cigarette.

It featured an ex-smoker with a hole in her throat where her larynx used to be.

“I was like, ‘Never!’” recalled Terrell, 18. “I was scared.”

Besides, she said, smoking is just plain gross.

“My friends don’t smoke cigarettes,” said Terrell, of Sacramento, Calif. “It’s nasty.”

Terrell is emblematic of a generation of teenagers who appear more knowledgeable about the risks of tobacco — and are smoking fewer cigarettes than ever before.

Cigarette maker stocks plunge on FDA announcement, but health experts are skeptical

A Food and Drug Administration announcement Friday that included a proposal to lower nicotine levels in cigarettes to non-addictive levels sent cigarette maker shares plunging.

If Seattle Smokers Follow King County's Health Advice, They Will Die

The King County Health Department, which serves mostly the city of Seattle and its suburbs, has recently earned a reputation for being driven by politics rather than by evidence-based medicine or common sense.

US researchers concerned about a sharp increase in e-cig online vendors

Researchers from the University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, are expressing their concern, as their latest study indicated that the number of online e-cig vendor has increased by over a threefold between 2013 and 2014.

Anti-smoking plan may kill cigarettes -- and save Big Tobacco

WASHINGTON - Imagine if cigarettes were no longer addictive and smoking itself became almost obsolete; only a tiny segment of Americans still lit up. That's the goal of an unprecedented anti-smoking plan being carefully fashioned by U.S. health officials.

Couples desperate for a baby are told they will NOT get free IVF if they use e-cigarettes or nicotine patches

Couples desperate for a baby are being denied NHS-funded IVF treatment because they use e-cigarettes or nicotine patches, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

CBD has now been clinically proven to:

CBD has now been clinically proven to:

Why E-Cig Makers Put Up Large Warnings On Their Packs

Big tobacco companies are usually not fans of heath warnings on cigarette packs. We have written earlier on how Philip Morris is dragging the Uruguayan Government to court after they passed legislation mandating the display of large warnings on cigarette packs. (See Philip Morris’ Uruguayan Lawsuit) It turns out that in the U.S., tobacco companies that have diversified into e-cigarettes are voluntarily putting up large warnings on e-cig packs.


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